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Convert Kcal/Kg to BTU/LB

Convert Kcal/Kg to BTU/LB
by Mark H. Bower on 02/04/04 at 09:06:51

What is the formula to make the above captioned conversion?

Re: Convert Kcal/Kg to BTU/LB
by Robert Fogt on 02/05/04 at 04:33:14

You can figure out an unknown conversion by breaking down the unit into its basic parts, and calculating from that.

1 kilocalorie [15° C] = 3.9673727 Btu
1 kilogram = 2.2046226 pound

kilocalorie/kilogram * (3.9673727 / 2.2046226) = Btu/pound

kilocalorie/kilogram * 1.79957 = Btu/pound

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