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square feet to cubic yard to cubic feet

square feet to cubic yard to cubic feet
by neil sexton on 05/02/05 at 19:35:21

hello my name is neil and I am a college student workin a foundation project where i have to find the sq ft the convert it to C.F. then convert it to C.Y. so if anyone can help me to make sure I have this here is what I have 6,509.3 S.F
2,167.6 C.F.
80.2 C.Y.

can you tell me if this is right

Neil Sexton

Re: square feet to cubic yard to cubic feet
by Robert Fogt on 05/03/05 at 01:59:11

To convert square foot to cubic foot, you multiply by the height. You did not list the height so we cant verify that part was correct.

square feet * height in feet = cubic feet

cubic feet / 27 = cubic yard

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