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Convert Each to Linear Feet

Convert Each to Linear Feet
by meldrape on 06/14/05 at 17:29:41

Greetings, I'm creating a file to import into a Lumber inventory system.  The file comes out with parts in the unit of measure "EACH" but they have to be converted to LFT or "Linear Feet" before it gets imported.  Here's an example of a part number.  It's a GLULAM beam:
KGL0305 which is a 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" glulam beam sold at $3.11 per linear foot.  When the file gets imported, instead of coming over at LFT they are coming over as EACH which screws up the total.  Anybody have any ideas, I'd really appreciate it.  Thanks in advance.

Re: Convert Each to Linear Feet
by meldrape on 06/15/05 at 14:40:07

I ended up taking the length and multiplying it by the quantity, therefore coming up with my linear feet.  Thanks to anyone who was scratching their brain over this one.  ;)

Re: Convert Each to Linear Feet
by Robert Fogt on 06/16/05 at 06:49:46

The correct symbol for linear feet is lf, not lft as your inventory system is using.

Not that important, but may want to change that so as not to confuse international customers. ;)

Re: Convert Each to Linear Feet
by meldrape on 06/16/05 at 12:23:49

Thanks Robert.  You are correct.  We are converting from an old Thoroughbred system to Advantage and we have changed all of our units of LFT to LF as you mentioned.  Bad habits die hard, ha!  :)

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