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convert ppm

convert ppm
by marilu on 10/13/05 at 12:18:26

I have to know how much should I poure of a liquid substance in 4000 galons of a container if I have to assure that must be present 10ppm of this substance? :-/



Re: convert ppm
by Robert Fogt on 10/15/05 at 20:12:35

First we divide 4000 gallons by 1 million to find out what 1 ppm is.

4,000/1,000,000 = 0.004 gallons
You want 10 ppm so:
0.004 gallons * 10 = 0.04 gallons

You need to add 0.04 gallons, which is about 5.12 fluid ounces or about 10.24 tablespoons. (assuming U.S. liquid units)

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