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help with cattle vaccine

help with cattle vaccine
by cattlegirl on 10/19/05 at 09:26:47

I am having to give my cattle a shot of oxytetracycline at a rate of 3-5 mg per body weight.  How can I convert this to ML or CC?
Hope you can help!!! :-/

Re: help with cattle vaccine
by Robert Fogt on 10/20/05 at 11:19:21

That depends on the substance. Every substance has a different weight to volume conversion factor.  You will need to find out the density of the substance in order to create that conversion.

Some examples:
Water at 4ºC - 1 gram = 1 ml
Alcohol, Methanol - 1 gram = 1.26 ml
Mineral Oil - 1 gram = 1.09 ml

So you see they all differ, so you would need the density of your specific substance.

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