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g/m2 to mmol

g/m2 to mmol
by tony2kuk on 10/28/05 at 09:09:19

Does any one know how to convert the number of grams of nitrogen per square metre(or even kg per hectre if easier) of soil into molarity.  

Re: g/m2 to mmol
by Robert Fogt on 10/30/05 at 02:41:40

molarity (moles/liter) is the number of moles per liter of substance. Liter being a unit of volume.

You're listing your soil in square meters, which is not a unit of volume. You would need that in volume.

If you know for instance how deep the sample is in meters, you could use square meters * meters = cubic meters. Then convert cubic meters to liters.

Converting grams to moles is possible if you know the molar mass of nitrogen.

grams / molar mass = number of moles

So there you have a possible way to convert it, just need to determine the missing information.

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