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convert square footage to cubic yards

convert square footage to cubic yards
by brian handy on 12/19/05 at 17:02:39

I wish to determine the cubic yardage of material that will be removed from an excavation 1020 feet long by 50 feet wide by 4 feet deep

Re: convert square footage to cubic yards
by Robert Fogt on 12/19/05 at 20:41:04

The formula for volume is:
Length * Width * Height

As long as all the units are the same.  If the units are feet the result will be cubic feet, if the units are inches the result will be cubic inches, etc.

1020 feet * 50 feet * 4 feet = 204000 cubic feet

Now you can use the volume conversion page to convert to cubic yards, or just divide by 27.

204000 cubic feet / 27 = 7555.56 cubic yards

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