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Kilograms to liters

Kilograms to liters
by sahishnu on 09/22/03 at 06:33:11

How do you convert kilograms to liters. Density of the substance is approximately 0.96 gm/cm[sup]3[/sup] ???

Re: Kilograms to liters
by Robert Fogt on 09/22/03 at 09:04:04

You just need to divide the kilograms by 0.96

gm/cm­³ is the same as kg/l

1 gram = 0.001 kilogram
1 cubic centimeter = 0.001 liter
gm/cm³ = 0.001 kg/ 0.001 liter = kg/liter

So 0.96 kg/l means that 1 liter weighs 0.96 kilograms, or 1 kilogram is 1.04 liters.

Re: Kilograms to liters
by Sahishnu Majumdar on 09/22/03 at 09:44:01

In case i do not know the density of the material is there a way to convert the same?  :-/

Re: Kilograms to liters
by Robert Fogt on 09/22/03 at 10:25:03

Not without weighing it.

But, I have been collecting data on various substances. So if you let me know what the substance is, I may be able to find the information.

Re: Kilograms to liters
by A. J. on 10/19/03 at 05:42:26

natural gas
how can convert the volume in natrual gas flow in cubic meter to it's weight in ton ?

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