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yards into sq. feet

yards into sq. feet
by bigman8424 on 06/11/05 at 19:56:56

need some help in conversions, kind of lost

i have a field, my length is 140yrds and my width is 40 yrds. trying to see what is my area in sq feet...
plz help me

Re: yards into sq. feet
by Robert Fogt on 06/12/05 at 02:27:53

The formula is:

Area = Length * Width

Though if Length and Width are both in yards, then the result will be square yards. So first lets convert them to feet.

140 yards * 3 = 420 feet
40 yards * 3 = 120 feet

420 feet * 120 feet = 50,400 square feet

Re: yards into sq. feet
by bigman8424 on 06/12/05 at 11:17:52

i understand, thanks for your help

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