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convt. foot pounds of torque to pounds of weight

convt. foot pounds of torque to pounds of weight
by Edward Hartley on 11/06/01 at 16:49:37


I'm having a problem converting foot pounds of torque to regular pounds of weight.  can you help? I would really be gratefull.

thank you very much.
Edward Hartley ???

Re: convt. foot pounds of torque to pounds of weig
by Robert Fogt (Guest) on 11/06/01 at 22:20:45

Here is a definition:
The magnitude of a torque is equal to the magnitude of the applied force multiplied by the distance between the object's axis of rotation and the point where the force is applied.

That means that one foot-pound of torque is a force of one pound applied one foot from the object's axis of rotation.

So if the weight were one foot from the axis, you could say that one foot-pound is equal to one pound. But... Only if the weight was perpendicular to the line from the axis to where the weight was located. Torque is a "turning" force and weight is a "linear" force.

Hope that was helpful.

Re: convt. foot pounds of torque to pounds of weig
by Arnold on 02/07/02 at 14:29:40

I am new at this so I apologise if I am doing this wrong. But, my question is how to convert his question in reverse. ie pounds of weight to foot pounds of torque. Is this possible?

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