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Conversion: Yield m/kg to yards/lb

Conversion: Yield m/kg to yards/lb
by Carmen on 02/06/03 at 02:45:04

Help! I need to convert m/kg to yards/lb! Here's an example: a certain fabric yields 3.33 meters per kilogram - I need to convert it to the American weights and measures system.

Re: Conversion: Yield m/kg to yards/lb
by Robert Fogt on 02/06/03 at 18:39:25


Fabric density is measured in a "weight/area" unit, such as "grams/square meter".

I have not seen a unit like that used for fabric. Possibly yarn, if it were kg/m instead of m/kg.

Re: Conversion: Yield m/kg to yards/lb
by Carmen on 02/07/03 at 03:16:49

Hello again,
Perhaps I haven't expressed myself very clearly.
The company I work for makes fabrics, and we have a table of values which I need to convert into American measurements for our Stateside customers. Here's the issue,
1 - I need figure out the grams per linear meter in ounces per linear yard (ex.300gr./lin. metre).
2 - The yield, meters per kilogram into yards per pound (ex. 3.33 meters/kilogram).
It may seem odd, but some of our customers buy in meters and some in kilos.
And some other info you've already kindly helped me with.
Thanx a million!

Re: Conversion: Yield m/kg to yards/lb
by Robert Fogt on 02/08/03 at 00:23:14

Each of the rolls of fabric will have a standard width right?

Knowing that, you can convert the linear meters into square meters, then make the g/m² to oz/yd² conversion, then convert that to oz/linear yd.

The g/m² to oz/yd² conversion is in my books, just need to convert the linear meter to square meters. Multiplying by the width of the roll will do that.

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