Please add PSI to pressure page
Please add PSI to pressure page
by T Smith on 02/10/03 at 21:30:23
The pressure page is missing pounds/inch^2 (PSI)
also, you may want to add kilopascals, even though the conversion from pascals is very simple, non-scientific people may not realize that.
Re: Please add PSI to pressure page
by Robert Fogt on 02/11/03 at 19:17:29
Use lbf/square inch Which is pounds-force per square inch.
I realize I need consistancy with the abbreviations. I cant use superscript in the list boxes, and pounds-force/square inch was too long, so I shortned to lbf/square inch.
I put on my to-do list to re-work that page. I should have it finished soon.