by Happykraut on 02/19/03 at 16:18:15
How do I convert a lat/long coordinate given in degrees,minutes and seconds e.g.45 35 30 to a decimal value e.g.45.3569. And vica-versa. I took up geocaching. Thanks
Re: latitude/longitude
by Happykraut on 02/24/03 at 12:24:17
;D Since noone else provided me with an answer, I guess I'll have to answer myself. For a really neat converter go to : and download their free converter. Bernie
Re: latitude/longitude
by MJ on 04/18/03 at 06:58:33
I have found the following link to be quite useful: No download required.
Re: latitude/longitude
by Robert Fogt on 04/18/03 at 20:49:43
That url will come in handy when I begin researching the subject to add it to this site.
Thanks for posting it.