HELP covert cubic ft. to area dimensions
HELP covert cubic ft. to area dimensions
by joey on 02/21/03 at 06:22:09
I am building a speaker box that call for 2.25 cubic ft gross volume and 2.0 cubic feet net volume, I am assuming that gross volume is the outside of box and net is the inside? how would I convert these to length times width so I can start building my box?? ANY HELP WOULD BE SOOOOO GREATLY APPRECIATED, is where you can reach me, if you have questions. Thanks again.
Re: HELP covert cubic ft. to area dimensions
by Robert Fogt on 02/22/03 at 00:54:29
Area = length * width * height
If all measurements are in feet, then the result will be in cubic feet. If all measurements are in inches, the result will be in cubic inches. Make sure all measurements are in the same unit.
For example, a box that is 1 foot long, by 1 foot wide, and 2 foot high, will be
1 * 1 * 2 = 2 cubic feet
I am not sure what net and gross are when building speakers.
Re: HELP covert cubic ft. to area dimensions
by joey meadows on 02/28/03 at 16:10:02
Ok new project I need dimensions for a rectangular box with 4.5 cubic feet, can you please help