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sq ft/area

sq ft/area
by Jennifer on 08/15/03 at 09:33:59

how do I find the dimensions of .16acre-----lengthXwidth

Re: sq ft/area
by Robert Fogt on 08/15/03 at 13:14:38

It could be nearly anything.  About the only way to calculate the dimensions is if you know at least one of the dimensions. Then you could calculate the other.

You could figure it out if you knew it was a perfect square, or if you knew a ratio, such as twice as long as it is wide, or the like.

For example, .16 acre is about 6,970 square feet. Its dimensions could be:
6,970 feet long by 1 foot wide
3,485 feet long by 2 feet wide
84 feet long by 83 feet wide
or anything in-between

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