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American Nail Sizes


Common Nails Smooth Shank Includes many sizes of aluminum, copper, and stainless steel nails with a smooth shank.

Common Nails RingBarb Shank Includes many sizes of silicon bronze, and stainless steel nails with a ring barb shank.

Roofing Nails Smooth Shank Often called Slating Nails. Includes many sizes of aluminum, copper, and stainless steel nails with a smooth shank.

Roofing Nails RingBarb Shank Often called Slating Nails. Includes many sizes of copper, and stainless steel nails with a Ring Barb shank.

Finishing Nails Includes several sizes of stainless steel finishing nails.

Box Nails Includes several sizes of stainless steel box nails.

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